
"The insolvency business of Currell Commercial has been acquired by Price Taylor LLP"

Corporate Insolvency and Personal Insolvency

Our experienced chartered surveyors have a long track record in offering advice and services to insolvency practitioners and other professionals.

We offer calm advice and take control.


We offer specialist insolvency services throughout England and Wales

We provide accurate property valuations which are crucial where timely resolutions are necessary

LPA Receivers

LPA Receivers

Price Taylor LLP receivership service provides an effective means to deal with loan defaults. Our receivers are able to take assertive control and have the experience to offer calm advice to our clients in situations where taking charge of a default can quickly become difficult and all time consuming. We are able to take control of the repayment or selling process when required. Our clients are usually lenders and fixed charge holders.

What is an LPA Receiver or Fixed Charge Receiver?

An LPA receiver or Law of Property Act 1925 receiver, is a surveyor or insolvency practitioner appointed to take charge of a property when there is a default. The LPA receiver's primary duty is to deal with the assets under his/her control.  This would involve collecting the income (including rent) from the mortgaged property and may involve its sale. 

How we operate.

Price Taylor LLP provides a professional service with level headed guidance. Once a job is undertaken, we can work effectively and independently, alleviating the time and trouble a defaulting loan can cause, while working to achieve the best resolution the situation allows. We provide insolvency practitioner services throughout London and the UK.

Our Services Include:

  • Pre-appointment advice
  • Legal representation arranged, where applicable
  • Receivership report with assessment and disposal strategy by RICS Registered Valuers
  • Insurance of the property arranged
  • Taking possession and / or rent or income collection, where applicable
  • Asset management to achieve best outcome
  • Arrangement of sale 

For more details regarding chartered LPA Receiverships, please feel free to contact us or visit our offices.
